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제목 [] KBS Newsletter of FEB 2021 날짜 2021.03.22 19:56
글쓴이 김장선 조회/추천 1456/8
Dear KBS members and friends,

Happy New Year!
We are hoping that everyone is safe and well despite the ongoing situation with the pandemic.
We hope that you will be able to have a peaceful and restful holiday weekend.

Attached is a newsletter we put together to deliver some news!
We were not able to fit everything in this issue but promise that we will try to deliver more news in the next one.

If you have any questions or suggestions for the next newsletter, please do let us know by emailing Young Shin: kbs.manager1@gmail.com.
Thank you!

Kind regards,

Young Shin Kim

한영협회 Manager
Korea Britain Society
파일첨부 :
1. KBS Newsletter FEB 2021.pdf 다운받기 다운로드횟수[29115]
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